Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016

smartphone apps that my love

on this occasion, here I'll tell you about a smartphone application that I love best. Everyone today would have had the goods called smartphones. Now the smartphone has become a staple for humans because its benefits are numerous. Smartphones can also be a place to get acquainted with others through social media. Most apps I love the first is facebook. Why I chose it because facebook is the first application I in social media so many acquaintances in the virtual world, and also facebook is very easy to play and cheap Kouta Kouta so that data is not quickly exhausted. Even now I am still very happy with their facebook because although I am far away I can still communicate with family and friends when I am away for my friend who is in the village there is a facebook application only because it was the one I was very pleased with facebook. The second application that I loved, that PlayStore. I chose PlayStore because that is where I can get any app by downloading the application and also PlayStore no need to download because it is available immediately in all smartphones. Furthermore ie google apps, all must have known very many benefits that can be from google like news, the subject matter and its other. My premises is very easy to search for anything with the help of google. Maybe that's all I can say about this task. Thank you who already want to read this article and so on I'll see you again on the next task.

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