Selasa, 27 September 2016

Two things should i take it wherever i go

On this occasion I would tell friends all about the job that I do are two things that I always carried away anywhere. The first one I always carried away that smartphone, why my first choice of smartphones, was due to his existing smartphone easier for me in many ways, with my smartphone could be anywhere by just looking at the screen, I can connect to the Internet and can greet a friend on the social media. Furthermore, by bringing my smartphone can be directly connected with family and friends wherever they are, if one thing does not want to happen when I'm traveling I was immediately able to contact family or friends. Smartphones can also be a signpost when lost and many other things more. Piihan second when I go anywhere I definitely carry a wallet. I decided the second option is to bring your wallet because when we go anywhere will definitely need the money and in the wallet should have been charged money, when we are in an area we have to have identification cards such as KTP, it is also already in the wallet. When we went to use the vehicle using a car or motorcycle we have to have a SIM and STNK should always be taken to complete the regulation of traffic, when officers from the police check the completeness we can be free of charge because it is already full for SIM and STNK is already stored in the wallet. Well, I think that's a great choice to take with me go anywhere, every person must have a different choice. Maybe that's all I can say and tell all your friends. Thank you for your attention because it has been willing to read my scribbles, see you again in the future.

word : 277/277

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